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These nasty creatures thrive across the world wherever food and water is accessible, which only means they can live with us so long as we have what they need. But the question is, can we stand to live with them?


Unless it’s a real life Mickey Mouse ©Disney, Stuart Little ©E.B. White, or Jerry ©Tom and Jerry, there is nothing cute and endearing seeing these mice and rats invade our homes, and our businesses. Imagine the trouble we have to go through if we just let them freely roam around; contaminate food, damage our valuables, destroy our property, and the horror of all...carry diseases and transmit them to us and our beloved pets.


Rodent populations grow rapidly, therefore, do not ignore the presence of a single mouse for it will turn into an infestation. At e-Pest Solutions, we have the key methods to address the type of rodent problems you encounter.


Get rid of current infestations, and prevent future infestations.


Learn more by contacting our friendly pest control experts.

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